- A contract caterer with an estate of 750 machines
- Service was provided in one of two ways ~ either centrally agreed with the service provider, or the onus was on sites to request them as and when required.
- Of the 750 machines, only 245 had service support and there were 281 filter changes conducted over a calendar year.
- Of those 245 that had filter changes 30 required workshop descales ~ insufficient filter changes were taking place to protect the machine.
- Over the year the customer spent £100K on descales.
- They lost 258 business days trading.
- They also had 2823 days when the equipment was working with scale related issues – parts may have been required, or a further descale, or taste and flavour would have been affected by limescale.
- The customer deemed the lost revenue sufficient to revisit their thinking around filter changes.
Hydracs was trialled at two sites:
- A new machine where it was standard to have one filter change per year
- An older machine, where the site had two changes, in the last calendar year, but still required a descale.
The new machine had its first change after only 4 months – the filter was exhausted by this time. Unless a replace was installed for 8 months of the year it would have been unprotected against scale. Thankfully Hydracs now prompts a filter change.
The older machine required a filter change after 3 months.
An agreement is now in place to fit water filter telemetry ~ Hydracs to the entire estate.
All machines will have a filter fitted with Hydracs.
The customer will have their own portal to view for complete transparency, demonstrating the status of the filter and when it is due to be changed.
The portal will automatically send an email to prompt a request for a filter change.